At MUSK we pride ourselves on embracing the unique character of each site to inform our design responses, our designs are original, innovative, contemporary and distinctively Australian in material and form. Our education projects are playful, engaging and student focused. We understand that the development of the student as a whole person is very important; contemporary learning environments consider and respond to the diverse cognitive, emotional, social, physical and cultural needs of learners.
We work inclusively and collaboratively with our clients to develop successful education facilities that define their identity and welcome openness to their communities. It is important to identify and integrate facilities that foster connections and partnerships with the community and provide solutions that enhance the unique cultural identity of each place.
MUSK are proud to be Association for Learning Environments awards winners 2022, 2023 and 2024.

St Carlo Borromeo – Library
St Gabriels Primary School – Multipurpose Space.
St. Clare’s Primary School Stage 2
Berwick Secondary College – Health and Wellbeing Centre.
Castlemaine Steiner School – Reading Pavillion.
St Clares Catholic School – Master Plan.
St Clares Catholic School – Junior Building Refurbishment.
Student Workshop.